With 12+ creatives in the studios, and our first 2 exhibitions April was a busy month! We got an exciting glimpse of GOA’s potential … and learned a lot! It was even better than we had envisioned it a little over a year ago when Green Olive Arts finally opened its doors. Artists from 4 different …
Ashley Widman reflects on her creative time in Tetouan … One of the first things I drew when I arrived here at Green Olive Arts was a red and white striped cloth caught beneath an external fan on the side of a building, one end hanging down. This “flag” of sorts marked the start of …
Since it was established in 2004 by Vanessa Branson, the Marrakech Biennale has grown to become the premier arts event in Morocco on par with some of the biggest biennales of the contemporary art world. A generous mix of film, dance, poetry, sound art and, of course, visual arts of every ilk, this year’s MB5 …
… Tetouani, Painter, Musician Youssef el Hadad is one of Tetouan’s gems in the arts. An instructor at the Institute of Fine Arts, Youssef also plays jazz and fusion Ganawa music. His recent exhibition at the Mekki Maghara Gallery in downtown Tetouan is titled Transpositions of Color, a thoughtful interweaving of his talents in painting …
She led me by the arm through the crowd gathered for the exhibition opening of 33 artists’ paintings right over to the two paintings I had already spent the most time studying. It was a privilege … and I could just feel her pride in sharing her work. A self-taught artist born in 1950, Taoufa alHarah paints …
Créer au Maroc! Nouvelle résidence d’artistes invite les artistes du monde à Tetouan, Maroc Tétouan – Exotic Maroc a longtemps été une destination favorite et d’inspiration pour de nombreux artistes littéraires, visuels, artistes-interprètes, et des penseurs du monde entier. La ville de Tétouan, au nord du Maroc, avec sa scène artistique forte à la base et …
l’Uniart’s “Le Salon d’Art” – International Art Festival, in Tetouan Yesterday, October 21st, was the opening of 1st edition of the International Art Festival, “Le Salon d’Art” in Tetouan. The festival is being put on by our friends at l’Uniart, a local arts non-profit. The events themselves are taking place at the beautiful La …
Create in Morocco! New Art Residency Invites the World’s Artists to Tetouan, Morocco Tetouan — Exotic Morocco has long been a favorite destination and inspiration for countless literary, visual, and performing artists and thinkers from around the world. The city of Tetouan, in northern Morocco, with its strong grass-roots art scene and the prestigious National …
Green Olive Arts is proud to promote one of our favorite bands in Tetouan . Blind Rival has been making music with numerous guest musicians from many countries over the past several years. We love to see the collaboration with such global creatives. Our relationship with its members began with Anwar Rtili, the band’s leader and …
The 19th edition of the Tetouan Film Festival, or officially, the International Festival of Mediterranean Film in Tetouan, begins tomorrow March 23rd running through the 30th. The main event of the festival is a competition for films from the Mediterranean region, with prizes awarded in the categories of feature films, short films, and documentaries. For …